Dark Sky Tourism in the Amazon: the forest comes alive at night

What is Dark Sky Tourism? Dark Sky Tourism is a form of ecotourism that allows people to enjoy the beauty of a starry sky in protected areas far from the light pollution of cities. This practice is attracting more and more travelers who choose to spend their holidays in places where the night sky is […]

What do the Ribeirinhos eat?

  Other than rice, beans and fish, the Amazon natives also eat various vegetables, seeds and other fruits they come across in the forest. Their diet revolves mainly around fishing, hunting, and family agriculture. It might seem repetitive, but a lot of their diet varies depending on the season – mangos only ripe at a […]

Where do the natives live?

  The typical dwelling of the inhabitants of the Amazon is the palafitte, called Maloca in the native language: a hut in wooden boards, with the roof of leaves positioned close to each other to create an almost waterproof cover.   A light, spacious structure – the families are often very numerous! – and particularly suited to […]

ABC, an unprecedented scientific expedition

Mission successfully accomplished: a group of 24 researchers reached the Jauaperi National Park last December!  The team, based in Xixuaú and led by prof. Carlos Peres of the National Research Institute in Amazonia (INPA), brought together researchers from numerous Brazilian institutions including the famous Emilio Goeldi Museum in Belém and the federal universities of Amazonas, […]

How did we start fishing?

Jul 15, 2019 by Red E Category: News 0 comments Tags: Foresta, rainforest

The answer is apparently in our “hairy” ancestors. Millions of years ago, they started to explore underwater to catch small fishes and crustaceans. According to a research carried on observing chimps and published on the Journal of Human Evolution, these animals were looking for a more equilibrated diet in order to grow and to enhance brain […]

The wonderful flooded forest

Jun 03, 2019 by Red E Category: News 0 comments Tags: Acque alte, Allagamento, Foresta

Large areas of forest are submerged in the Jauaperi Reserve, where the level of the rivers is rising, making the landscape even more fascinating! Every year the forests in the Amazon are covered with water that overflows from the riverbed. This phenomenon, caused by heavy seasonal rains, forms the largest system of alluvial forests on […]