Seven interesting predictions for creative reconstruction in 2023 has recently released its most comprehensive survey of travel trends. According to Booking: ‘if 2022 was about the triumphant return of travel, 2023 will be about creatively reimagining it amidst the chaos. Nothing will be out of the question, and everything is on the “menu”, as everyone is looking to find the right […]

Everyday life at Xixuaú

Many of you ask us what the daily activities of the inhabitants of the Amazon are, in particular what tasks are performed by the men and women of the villages of the RESEX Lower Rio Branco Jauaperi. In a such complex context, the main job for everyone is survival: men must hunt for food and […]

Towards reopening!

Due to the pandemic, our ecolodge is not operating at the moment but nonetheless we keep up with maintenance! The Jauaperi National Park has been closed to visitors since March 2020, but Mother Earth does not stop working: our ecolodge is located right in the heart of the Amazon Forest, where nature is mighty and expansive, therefore […]